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Discovering the Passion of 巴黎 by Studying Abroad

by 阿德里安·艾伦
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Discovering the Passion of 巴黎 by Studying Abroad in 法国

Some of my biggest connections from my time 巴黎留学 从我的 身份.


Street art by the Persian Poet I found.


Arriving from a much smaller city, my 留学项目 was my first opportunity to truly interact with other people like me and to find a community.

A study abroad student jumping up to a statue of a person

Exploring a new street with Mick (left, American) and Elio (right, French).

One of the most interesting things about the groups I spent my time with was the international aspect.

A group of people standing on a bench

My selfie at a picnic with friends. From left to right: Naomi (German), Louise (French), Mick (American), Elio (French.)

Every group was a mix of French people and immigrants, which made for a unique exploration of the city and culture. I found that, even though everyone had 住在巴黎 for different lengths of time (30 years, 7 years, a year, 4 months, etc.), there was always something new and interesting to find, and that everybody was interested in finding.  

A crowd of people in a room with lights.

Purim celebration at the Jewish Art and History Museum.


My favorite among those I found was the LGBTQIA +社区. 虽然我知道 法国, 尤其是巴黎, 是一个很开放的地方吗, I still felt nervous about how being transgender would affect my study abroad experience. My worries were very quickly assuaged by warm and endlessly kind friends who were eager to show me their favorite community spaces and invited me to join them at numerous events.

A group of people sitting around a statue with pride swag

Pride event at Place de la Nation.

It was with them that I got introduced to the French style of activism. Everyone I met was endlessly passionate both about LGBTQIA+ rights and about social issues in general. In the middle of my time abroad was the height of the strikes against the new retirement law. People were happy to explain the situation to me, 推荐阅读, and clarify why even younger people or other specific groups were getting involved and the importance of that intersectionality. 


Political sticker on a traffic light. "The bourgeois want to make us die at work. 人人60岁退休."

Many of these deeply fascinating and philosophical discussions were held over equally wonderful and delicious 国外的食物. 无论是和朋友, 我的寄宿家庭, or anyone else in the communities around me, mealtimes in 法国 were an event.

A waiter carrying a tray of food on a staircase

Waiter carrying a tray of food at Bouillon Repulique.

Dinners lasted for hours and focused on savoring each bite as well as the conversation. While each person I was lucky enough to spend time with had their own intense passions, the love of food is what drew them all together.


Lunch break at a weekend cooking class.


阿德里安·艾伦 is the Fall 2022-Spring 2023 校友 Ambassador in 巴黎, 法国, and is currently studying at University of North Carolina at Asheville.
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